I made it to Venice, planted my feet on Italy's ground, and enjoyed the sights, sounds, and colors of Venice.
Performance art a major event in Venice and other locations. This mermaid seemed one of the most creative I have seen.
During my gondola ride I decided to take a photo of the gondola passing us. I liked it a lot. So here it is for you.
The one thing I wanted to see in Venice. The winged Lion. Let me know if you know the folklore behind it.
Night time was one of my favorite parts of Venice. Wish I could have had more time out, but travel continues.
O.k. I know it's not the typical/traditional idea for St. Patrick's Day, but Venice was amazing nonetheless. The Journey began at 5:30 am, when I arrived at the bus stop very tired and thinking I must be crazy. With a late bus start the journey began with two stops and then a wait to get on the boat to Venice. Upon arrival we walked into San Marco square. We being me, Jo, Helen, and Haley (sorry if I misspelled anyones name). We followed the many tourists to the many pigeons, and explored the wonders of Venice. Had a lady look at me disapprovingly as I rode a lion like a little kid. Had a nice heated wrap/sandwich sitting on the cement in San Marco square. Then proceed to laugh at the first gondoler that offered a journey for 65 Euros each. Upon walking two steps we were offered a lower price, four more steps and a fourth gondoler and we were on the canals of Venice. Shopping and a nice dinner followed along with an amazing boat ride back upon the roof of the boat. The sea breeze upon our faces and the vibrant colors of Venice fading behind us.