Dinner with Sonja, Britta, Me, Katrin, and Anika

Pixie Dust on my birthday

The Girls after drinks

My Bounty of Gifts
So here I am miles away from family and close friends and I have my 28th birthday. I originally thought this would be strange, but because of the great people I have met here, and the fact that my family and friends back home remembered me, I had an amazing birthday. I even went to one of my classes. To some it may seem as though I went a little over board with my shopping (which I did), but hey I had fun walking the streets and entering the shops to see what Innsbruck had to offer me.
Arriving back to the dorm, after class, I smelled the wonderful aroma of lasagna cooking in the oven. Thank you to Sonja and Britta for all their hard work in making my birthday special. The lasagna, salad, two bottles of wine, one bottle of sparkling wine, and shots of XUXU were amazing. The conversations even better. To Sonja, Britta, Katrin, and Anika--thank you, thank you, thank you for being here for my birthday.
And to the girls that met up with us at Hof Garten: Liz, Valentina, Helen, Elaine, Jo, Hayley, you made my birthday great. It was wonderful seeing everyone getting to know each other, and I hope that if anything I take from this place amazing friends for a life time.
To my family, what can I say, I woke up to the most hysterical birthday film. I was crying because I was laughing so much. My friends here enjoyed it as well!!!! Georgia, it was great talking with you on the phone at 1:30 am my time and about 6 in the evening yours. I just received your gift today, and I have to admit that it made me start crying because you picked the perfect things for me. I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life. You truly are my best friend and I love ya dearly.
Well, the morning brought the hangover of the birthday night, but I did make it to my classes and though I felt a little off, I still had a smile on my face from my birthday. So thanks to all. This weekend it is Vienna. So look for a new blog soon.