For my Dad, who has always shown me new heights. To the man who has always said that traveling and seeing is just as important as education. To his phrase, "It's not the outcome, it's the process." Thanks for all you have done and dealt with in raising me. You are an inspiration and you continue to show me new things. Thanks for the hike today. Love ya tons Dad!
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Father's Day spent on a Mountain Peak!
For my Dad, who has always shown me new heights. To the man who has always said that traveling and seeing is just as important as education. To his phrase, "It's not the outcome, it's the process." Thanks for all you have done and dealt with in raising me. You are an inspiration and you continue to show me new things. Thanks for the hike today. Love ya tons Dad!
Friday, 6 June 2008
The End of the Road
So the last miles placed us to about 3500 miles of driving, we entered six different states, and a different country. Have to say I loved the North West. But it is always nice to come home. Had a lot of fun seeing Erik in Mesquite. And I had a lot of fun with Georgia, even if we do travel differently. Well, here are last photos I will be putting up of this journey. Until the next.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Shannon lives in the middle of NO WHERE: Bakersfield, CA.
The memorable rolling hills of Cali.
Shannon in's hat.
The three crazy girls.
An awful photo of me, but I liked how happy Shannon looked with her favorite palm trees in the back.
Yep... These are the palm trees.
Well, we made it to Bakersfield. Nice to see the Sis in her environment for a change. California is california. This morning it had that familiar smell my mom likes to call one of heat. I on the other hand think it is something else, but I haven't put my finger on it yet. Tonight Mesquite. Keep your fingers crossed that I win some money with how much this trip has cost. Anyways, here are a few of the last photos of the trip. I'm sure I'll put more on tomorrow, as Georgia would say, "It seems you always have your camera." Over a thousand photos taken on this trip. And though I may force my friends to view them, I will do my best to keep it to a minimum.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
California State Road 1
Had a nice long walk on the beach this morning. No sunrise, go figure. But I did wake up to see the shore with a few minutes of sunlight before the fog rolled in. Highlight was the many sea lions traveling with me on my path in the sand, the ocean attempting to eat my toes, and the sprint back to make it in time for the hotel check out. We took a beautiful tour of the California State Road 1 which travels the whole shore line. As Georgia put it, " I don't even feel like I'm on a road, more like an amusement park ride." I added, "Yeah... One that never ends." That being said, the highlights of the road were: The Avenue of the Giants, the spectacular California coast line, and then a spectacular sunset. Thanks has to go to Georgia for her patience every time I said, "Stop" and for her remarkable handling of the long twelve hour drive made today, all to make a friend happy. Made it to a hotel by midnight, San Rafael California is our location presently. Tomorrow lunch with one of Georgia's friends and then we are off to see the Sis. Hope she is ready for two very tired girls.
Monday, 2 June 2008
Goonies Rule!!!!
The whole reason Georgia and I left on this crazy trip is because we sat down to watch the classic movie--The Goonies. Sitting there I said, "I always wanted to that coast line." Georgia in turn said, "I've never taken a real road trip." And so we stood to meander our fingers across the map of the states I have in my room, and so began the planning. It seemed only fitting that we should travel to the locations the movie was filmed. So here are some photos of Astoria and Cannon Beach in Oregon. Another eight hours later and we are safe in a hotel in Gold Beach and I hope for a gorgeous sun rise tomorrow. Love to all!
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