Tuesday, 27 March 2012

To Err is Human...


Many questions have been going through my mind as of late. Non of which need posting here, but truthfully I want to know what we're doing? What is the story you want to tell?

I keep thinking of different things, and lately my mind has been a bit boggled by emotions, questions, and the what not.

I know I shouldn't say this, but whiskey became my friend awhile back and I haven't turned around since.

On my walk home tonight, I looked at all the passing cars, the people on the street, the trees changing suit from winter garb to spring, and I thought, "I need to write more."

To be a writer... well that's a tricky enough business. And isn't that what it all is? Business. People are in your business, your trying to show your business, and well... you pretty much just stumble around hoping to find your way, your voice, yourself.

The business of self discovering can be tricky. Lets not forget the moment in the Neverending Story where Atreyu is about to step foot in front of the second Oracle. It's the Oracle that shows the true self, and lets face it, do any of us really want to see it?

I think of myself as a kind person. A person that can relate and empathise with others. But really, I'm out there fighting. Fighting for me. For what I want.

But what I want, I haven't clearly defined yet. And above anything, this scares me. Because at the moment, I feel reckless. I feel as though I'm playing with fire and about to set the biggest fire storm known to man.

I am one lone girl, lady, woman... or whatever you want to say. But in my mind right now, I'm a child trying to put the puzzle pieces together. And I don't know if they're fitting. So I use a proverb to make myself feel better...

To err is human...


And is it ever truly an err?...