Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Life is good when a walk becomes a dance. The paced motion escalating, building to the uncontrollable action of head bobbing, feet pass the traditional straight line, hands gesturing to music that begs your feet to tap and your mouth to smile as preteens turn their heads on their way home from school and stare at the crazy adult who doesn't have a care in the world.

It's a good day when you can make a kid laugh. Really make them laugh, make them mimic your actions. They think they're laughing at you, and if they are, Who cares? Really laughing at life and realizing it's all about having a good time is the best.

Why not have fun? Why be so composed? Give me the sounds of old school big band swing music and I can't stop myself, I have to dance no matter where I am or who I'm near. More people should do this. Stand up and dance. Dance for blue skies, dance for the cup of coffee that gives you the energy to go through the day, dance for whatever reason you want. Just dance. Feel the body sway and see how your mode changes. Tell me you don't feel a bit out of place. Tell me that awkward emotion doesn't make you laugh. Dance and everything--all stress and frustration--washes away.

Today is a good day.