Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Oh Maxine

Last year I had the blessing, and luxury, to meet one of the most amazing women. When I met her, Maxine was 98 years old, strong, out spoken, and willing to share her laughter and story with me. I find it a connecting force when the barrier of age can be broken by listening. Maxine's story had its trials and tribulations, but she always focused on the good in life (wether it be the birds out her window, her caring neighbors, family, or Jazz basketball) and what she could do with her life. And she did many things. It was an honor to listen to her tell tales of growing up in a time when women didn't have the rights granted to us today. To hear how she helped mold education in this state. It was eye opening to my own life to hear how this women took life by the horns and did what she wanted to do (PhD at age 65). And it was warming to know that instead of focusing on all the hardships, in her later years she really wanted to talk about all the fun and the people that had been so kind to her.

I hope I find my perseverance and attitude as heartfelt and open as hers was.

Yesterday, I received notice Maxine passed away, almost one month before her 100th birthday. Today I find my thoughts on the time we were able to share together sitting on her couch in her living room looking out that big window, her story, and her personality, her smile, and how quickly a person can touch your heart. I hope she has grown wings, taken flight, and is now back with her parents, husbands, and son. To her I say, "Thanks for sharing your story."

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