Friday, 24 December 2010

Dear Santa,

So I know it is now the wee-early-hours of Christmas Eve, but I wanted to write to you and say thank you. I realize the gift I requested (someone miraculously paying off all my student loans) may take some time and I must be patient (a talent I am willing to work on, though may be doomed to fail). But as I was driving home to Vernal this holiday season, I realized something Santa--I still believe!

The belief in you provides me hope and that is the greatest gift you could ever give me. This year has been rough (and I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself). As my friends tell me, I need to believe in myself and the accomplishments I have made this year. Though I might not have achieved all I would like in the world, I'm working on it.

And Santa, I just want to say... you rock. I will be listening for your sleigh bells as I do every year. And maybe if this year you can't provide the Christmas miracle of student loans being paid in full... well, maybe you could give each and every person a little more hope. Keep all our hope strong by allowing us all to hear your sleigh bells once more--as you let me when I was six.

A very Merry Christmas Santa. Safe travels.

That adult that will be a kid forever,

P.S. I know this isn't the typical method for letter delivery, but you being magical and living in the 21st century, and having elves that search for these things, I figured you have a way to find it.

P.P.S. Also, I was wondering if you could possibly get Danielle a pony, seeing as she really wants one. A Unicorn would be even better but I know those are hard to find. Thanks again Santa.


Unknown said...

Denver, you're great! Can we get a drink soon?

Danielle said...

Very nice Denver! Oh, and thanks for asking, but the pony too will take some time.