Friday, 26 August 2011

Dating Do and Don't

So people keep telling me I need to get back into the "GAME." This game they are talking about is the weird and intricate world of--drum roll please--


I am not really a "GAME" player. Any one of my friends could tell you I'm oblivious to almost all attempts by men to "hit" on me. And even when the slight chance arrives that I do catch on, I have a hard time figuring out where to go from there.

That being said, here are a few things I've learned recently in my attempt to play the game. Men you should listen up, because if you are one of those guys out there looking for a girl that will treat you right (or at least you could see where things go) here are a few things not to do on those first dates:

1: Don't save the $5.00 by not paying for the coffee or beer she will be drinking.
A girl has agreed to spend some of her precious time to get to know you, the least you can do is pay for her drink. If she offers to pay, still buy it for her anyway. We women like being independent, but we also highly admire a gentleman.

2. Don't ask a girl why she dyes her hair.
As a friend at work said, everyone is doing it. Who cares we dye our hair? We just do. And a little heads up, we try to make it look like we don't so please don't throw that in our face.

3. Don't tell the girl to relax.
If the girl looks anxious or seems to have a wall up, there is probably a reason. And that reason might not have so much to do with us, but more how you are making us feel. Ease up and let the date go how it goes.

4. Don't tell a girl she should smile more.
Again, there is probably a reason the girl isn't smiling.

5. this is the big one:
If you have to make a girl kiss you (i.e. telling her, "Come on, just give me a kiss."), then you loose the game. Let this happen naturally. When both people can't resist any longer. It's so much better. Plus, if you do wait, then you don't have the girl calling you a jack*** under her breath as she walks away.

So yeah. The "GAME." I'm attempting to learn the rules, but I'm finding there are so many, and not everyone plays by the rules. To Date or not to Date, that is the question.

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