Valentine’s Day Back!
came as a shock last week as I was conducting a bit of grocery shopping.
Turning down an aisle while focused on my list, I stopped dead in my tracks as
I realized I had been completely oblivious to the fact I was traveling down the
once dreaded pink aisle.
“OH!,” did get vocalized, but I stood there and realized I wasn’t scared of it
anymore. I started thinking that maybe I should give Valentine’s Day another
look. I decided to take Valentine’s Day back!
to the old days, that is. Remember in elementary school when Valentines was all
about the amount of pink, red, and white paper you could stick to a shoebox.
You hoped the Elmer’s glue would at some point get off your hands (or you just
spread it all over your hand and then carefully pilled it off to have a perfect
replica of your hand, prints and all). Valentines was the time for treats and
laughing with your friends on the playground.
I decided to honor that old school tradition and celebrate by making a few
treats to celebrate the love and happiness those around me give everyday. And
low and behold construction paper just happened to be in my craft draw (because
yes, I am that type of girl). And then I stepped back into that dreaded pink
aisle to purchase a little something for others.So I get to play the kid.
Dropping off Valentines to friends. I wish I had a cup of sprite with lime
sherbet scooped in to add a bit more ambiance, but coffee will have to do.
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