Tuesday, 16 April 2013

How do you play?

Recently, I've been asked quite a bit, "What do you do for fun?"

The true response would be, "I play with words." But I don't think most people would understand this. It's more than reading a good book at the coffee shop in the sun. It's more than sitting at home with either pen and paper or computer for my writing.

I play with words daily through my conversations with people. Twisting and turning word definitions, the context of a conversation, and placing cultural signifiers into a game of:
"Did You REALLY Just Say THAT!"

Let me give you an example from last night:

Me: (Asking one of the various questions I have running through my head every second.)
Josh: (Answered without actually answering the question.)
Me: (Silent and contemplative.)

Josh: "I like it when you're QUIET."

Me: (Laughing hysterically.)

You had to be there.

But yeah, I play with words.

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