For some reason I feel as though I've accomplished something when I've baked in the day. It's not the actual baking process, it's the act of sharing.
This day, 9/11, is ingrained in the American Nation as a day of remembrance. A day of reflection. Though maybe it should also be a day of sharing.
Ten years ago today, I woke to my roommate shouting, "Manhattan is on fire!" In my groggy state of mind I asked, "Manhattan, where's Manhattan?" As the sleep rolled off, and I walked into our living room, Miss georgia b. and I sat on our futon and watched as the second plane collided into the twin towers in New York City. Our state of emotions and thoughts that day were solemn and questioning. It seemed surreal, and I am thankful that we had each other (even if we did just stare at each other in disbelief).
This week, I have been listening to the amazing stories collected, and animated, by
StoryCorps. I find it amazing how a three minute story is able to bring such overwhelming emotion, and connection, to a person.
In the spirit of connecting, my neighbors organized a neighborhood BBQ tonight. So on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11, I spent the day baking cobbler, and sharing with my neighbors. It wasn't just food, but finding out each others names, talking about what we do with our lives, laughing, and the great experience of being with others. Living.
I found it fitting. If 9/11 taught us anything, it's that life is precious. We should share together always. And we should appreciate the times we have with each other. Whether family, friend, neighbor, or stranger on the street take the time to notice the people near you, and smile for what you have.
Peach and Rhubarb Cobbler
1 c. sugar
5 t. corn starch
2 T. orange liquor or orange juice
3 c. cut rhubarb
5 large peaches (sliced and cut in half)
1 c. flour
2 T. sugar
1 1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 cup butter
1 egg
2 T. milk
Preheat oven to 375*. In a large sauce pan, on stove top, add sugar, corn starch, and orange liquor (or juice). Mix together lightly over medium heat. Add cut rhubarb and stir until bubbling. Add peaches and stir. Allow to bubble and thicken. Take off heat
Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder. Cut butter into flour mixture until it looks like coarse crumbs. Stir together egg and milk. Add to flour mixture and stir until formed together. Knead slightly with hands until all ingredients come together.
Place fruit mixture into a 9x13 glass dish. Crumble crust on top of fruit until covered. Place dish on a cookie sheet (in case the fruit bubbles over) and cook for 30 minutes.
To top it off, a bit of vanilla bean ice cream doesn't hurt.
Hope you enjoy sharing with your friends.