Saturday, 3 September 2011


So July (as you know, if you've been reading my blogs), was a bit of a fog. I remember bits and pieces of it. August was my recoup time. Getting your body and mind to overcome the effects of depression (and whatever else it was in July/June/late May), is never an easy task.

But right now, September, seems to be a time for transition and reflection. I don't know why I keep having flash backs to my youth, but I do. Memories are floating into my mind. Little clips and images from a disconnected film reel that is my life.

Like a moment in Olympia were I was sitting at our table and I was watching my Mom make jam. She had dark hair then, with lots of wavy bouncy curls. Just a glimpse and the memory of thinking I was excited.

Or a time out with my Dad. We either lived in Tumwater or Olympia (and now that I'm older I realize these two places are closely connected), we were out in the forest--probably not to far from the city--and there was a tree trunk, hiding behind it was a porcupine my Dad was pointing to.

I remember the holy tree in our yard. The hollow inside that was used by my sister and her friend as a secret fort, I wasn't allowed in.

I remember playing red light green light, as my friends and I raced to get to the Red Subaru my parents had parked in the driveway (interesting note: that car took my family on over 10 years of family trips, and transported two rabbits from Logan to Vernal Utah).

I remember a trip to the Seattle Zoo with my Dad. Hanging out in a tree, brown bag lunch with the class, and falling asleep in my Dad's lap on the bus ride home.

There are more memories, all very early, all streaming back to me in vivid color this September. Maybe my mind is trying to let me know I have always been in transition. That no matter the time or my age, I was always progressing, seeing things a new, and moving forward to experience all the things people have to share with me. And now I want to share with people too. (Though I doubt I would have been willing to share that lollipop. And who thought the red socks matched the purple dress?)

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