Tuesday, 25 October 2011


So this is the conversation I had in my car tonight while driving a friend/co-worker home from an arduous evening of serving (and yes...yes I did just pull out the vocab. "arduous").

(Reaching to hold the dangling pendant from my rearview mirror)...
Fe: "This is cute, what is it?"

Me: "It's a golden snitch. Well a golden snitch missing a wing."

Fe: "I like it."

Me: "Yeah... It helps remind me that life could be worse. I mean at least I don't have Lord Voldemort chasing after me."

Fe: (Giggling) "Well that's good. You wouldn't want Voldemort chasing after you."

Me: (Laughing) "Though come to think of it, with the way things have been going with the guys I've been dating, it's like they're Voldemort in disguise."

Fe: "At least they're not trying to kill you."

Me: (Staring at the one winged Golden Snitch) "You know it's just that every now and then the scar twinges a bit."

Fe and Me: (Roaring laughter)

Yes people, I can make an analogy to Harry Potter with anything. And I must say, life is better for it!

(P.S. The Netherlands have now surpassed France in reading this blog.)

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