I've been posting nursery rhymes on my Facebook page. (Don't ask how Disney's Cinderella started it all, I have no idea).
Who knows why, but fall seems to be the time to snuggle in ones bed, comforter close to their nose, two cats curled on opposite sides, and a story going through ones head. When I wake up, I think of the nursery rhyme that best fits my mood for the day, and I come up with status posts like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock...the mouse ran up the clock...
Little Miss Muffet, sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey...
Baa, baa, black sheep. Have you any wool?...
Goosey, goosey, gander. Where shall I wander?...
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. The Sheep's in the meadows, the cow's in the corn...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Most post music videos, political announcements, NPR's most current topics, or their recent photograph creations (Dave... I'm talking to you here. Love the black and white of Occupy L.A.).
And then there is me, spouting off nursery rhymes...????....???
I am a daydreamer people.
I daydream constantly.
I make up crazy stories about things I want to do in life, and hope one day I will. I hear things too (not in a crazy way--or maybe it is crazy--but anyway), clips of stories come to my brain and characters talk. I feel an urge to write them down, but I rarely want to get out of my bed, so they just simmer in my mind until I'm ready to lift the comforter and walk with them through my day.
Speaking of walking. It's fall, and that means: The Cons are on the street...
Last year I posted about these crazy shoes. And here they are out and about again. The young girl always comes back to me when I put these shoes on (remembering the three girls who made them what they are). And as they took me down a few paths last night, my mind wandered back to the nursery rhymes, but this time they were jumbled together forming their own story.
Tick-tock, tick-tock... Where shall I wander? With Little Miss Muffet, sitting on her tuffet... the mouse ran up the clock. While eating her curds and whey, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, waiting for the leaves to fall. Take a goosey, goosey gander.... the cow's in the corn...the sheep's in the meadow and Little Boy Blue is waiting to blow his horn. Baa, baa, black sheep... your wool is strung... and for now this song has been sung.
P.S. If you as a reader make any sense out of this post, please provide me your understanding.
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